Pitch changes in MIDI when adding a new track

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Pitch changes in MIDI when adding a new track

Post by jessecarrigan » Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:31 pm

Hi there, I'm pretty new to the forums. I have been using Auria for a while and Auria Pro for a few days. I looked around the forums and didn't see anything about this, so I'm submitting as a bug.

I was working on a project today using iSymphonic loaded as a Audio Unit in Auria Pro. After adding a new MIDI track in Auria, the pitch would sometimes shift on the iSymphonic patch. The pitch shift is then maintained after switching patches in the AU window. I initially thought the problem was that the pitch wheel on the MIDI controller was getting stuck, but it seems to be re-centering correctly after checking the MIDI events coming through.

At one point the CPU suddenly pegged and I closed Auria. After restarting the app and subsequently reloading the AU the pitch was back to normal. I chalked it up to a random error until I added another MIDI track and the same thing happened. I haven't had any issues with this MIDI controller driving iSymphonic on GarageBand. Auria Pro is the new element in the configuration.

I'm happy to dig up more information if I can.

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