isymphonic orchestra with disturbing noise tones..

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isymphonic orchestra with disturbing noise tones..

Post by hgpa » Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:10 am

I'm new in this forum and quite new with auria.
Now I have an severe issue with one special orchester library:

Please excuse my poor english, I’m not a native speaker… (german)

I’m happy with auria pro, but an annoying issue happens, when I freeze a track with a special sound on it:

Only when I fill a track with sound from isymphonic orchestra, it first plays fine, when I play this from the original midi-track.
But when I freeze this to archive it or export as wave-file or aif, the wave-file contains a few of very short „hums“ or disturbing short tones,
in not regularly times. It’s ever the same tone.
The waveform is not too high, also when I record it very low, this happens.

When I decrease the buffer size, the tone becomes higher, it is all time the same tone on a fixed buffersize.

It seemes to happen only, when I use the orchester library isymphonics.
I tried it in both versions, as inter app and as audio unit, no difference, very strange, could you give me an advice,
what to do?

Thank you for a hint!

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Re: isymphonic orchestra with disturbing noise tones..

Post by theconnactic » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:20 pm

I’ll just guess - because I don’t have isymphonic - but perhaps it’s related with differences in buffer sizes between Auria and the app? Because when I use iPolysix or iMS-20 as IAA (or Audiobus), I have to be sure the buffers match (and to make things more complicated, both iMS and iPolysix, instead of a numerical value, have that crappy “large”, “small”, “blahblah” terminology), otherwise, all kinds of artifacts will appear.

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Re: isymphonic orchestra with disturbing noise tones..

Post by hgpa » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:51 pm

Hello "theconnatic" (and all others)!

...that may be, because iSymphonics only has a value of 23 for buffersize, and Auria
can change between different values, but not to 23..... :-(

But I found a "turnaround":

When I record each miditrack after editing etc. to a different audiotrack, then the disturbing noises aren't there :-)
Freezing is for iSymphonics an issue, but this way of recording to new audiotracks succeded.
For the mixdown the miditracks have to be muted or deleted, only the audiotracks can be
exported without noise. :-)


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Re: isymphonic orchestra with disturbing noise tones..

Post by Rim » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:31 pm

iSymphonic is not compatible with offline processing modes like the ones Auria uses. Auria is able to process plugins faster than real time, and this is the part that causes issues with some third party plugins. A workaround is to do a real time bounce. The simplest way to do this is to arm two tracks and set the record input to LR.


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Re: isymphonic orchestra with disturbing noise tones..

Post by hgpa » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:54 pm

Thanks for you all, this forum seems to be very quick with help or hints,
I'm glad, to work with auria, when I am "on the road" !


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