Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

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Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

Post by Pointyhat » Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:27 am

I'm having a problem getting reasonable recording levels when recoding iMS20 through audiobus. I a have set auria's meters to pre-fader, record enable a track, route the ims-20 from audiobus to the track and set the track record gain down so that with the track record enabled when I play the ims-20 (using a preset pattern in the ims20) the meter is not peaking above 0 on the inner scale . I then hit record and while the track records, the meter stays around 0 on the inner scale. Now when I stop the ims-20 playback, disable record enable on the track and hit play, the meter is jammed at the top of the scale and using fabfilter pro l it's obvious the recoded signal was clipped during the recording process. It makes no difference what I set the track record gain to, or what I set the volume to within the ims20 app, the recoded track level is always at the max, note all mixer sliders are set to 0 on the inner scale. Has anyone else experienced similar issues?

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Re: Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

Post by Rim » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:02 am

I'm not sure what could be causing this. Do you have this problem only with IMS-20? Normally, you would adjust the record volume in the app producing the audio.


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Re: Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

Post by Pointyhat » Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:01 pm

Thanks, I think I have got to the bottom of this - its a combination of the way the iMS20 interface works and what is for me at least, somewhat counter intuitive behaviour of the record level control in Auria when recording through audiobus..
First on the IMS 20 I was playing back a pre-sequenced pattern using ims20 sequencer and when trying to adjust the output levels I was tweaking the synth volume control rather than the overall mix volume control within the ims20. However,and this is the bit I find counter intuitive, in aura I adjust the record level control for the track I am recording the ims20 to to give acceptable levels, both aurally and visually in the metering (set to pre-fader), and get the immediate feed back i am expecting - turning the record level down makes the input sound quieter on the track I have record enabled prior to actually recording. I then hit record and while recording the track the aural feedback and visual metering feedback agrees with the level I set via the recording level control. I then stop recording and play back the track and now the recorded levels both aurally and visually in the metering seem to have been entirely determined by the volume level set in the originating audio app and to have completely ignored the recording level I set in Auria. This happens in all audio apps I have tried recording through audiobus as if all the record level control does is adjust the monitoring of the track rather then the actual level recorded
Is this the intended behaviour?

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Re: Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

Post by Rim » Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:26 am

It's possible there's a bug that is ignoring the record level for Audiobus inputs. I'll look into that. However, you should be able to adjust the level using the sending app. I'm glad you figured it out.


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Re: Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

Post by Pointyhat » Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:51 pm

Thanks Rim,
I am pretty sure something is not quite working in the interaction between audiobus and the record level control, as for all apps I have tested (ims20, animoog, sunrizer), the value of the record level control has no impact on the actual recorded level of the track, which seems to be entirely determined by the volume setting of the originating app. However the record level control is clearly interacting with the incoming audio in some way as adjusting it affects the monitored level of the incoming audio, it's just that it appears to be being bypassed when the audio is actually recorded.

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Re: Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

Post by Rim » Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:31 pm

Yes, you're right. It's on my buglist.


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Re: Setting recording levels with audiobus and iMS-20

Post by Pointyhat » Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:16 am

Thanks Rim, the level of support you give to Auria users is truly outstanding!

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