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Lester Ballard
Posts: 19
Joined: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:23 am


Post by Lester Ballard » Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:59 am

Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering what everyone's 'template' for panning generally is. I understand each song is different, and that different panning sounds better on different song, and with different instruments, but I was just wondering what people do 'as standard'.



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Re: Panning

Post by jsol » Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:35 pm

Kick snare center. Hihat 10-11 o'clock. Piano guitar left or right. Default pan law ok -3 db. Vocals center backgrounds where ever it feels right.

Hope that helps.

Lester Ballard
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Re: Panning

Post by Lester Ballard » Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:53 am

Thanks Jsol,

Exactly what do you mean regarding the default pan law -3db?


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Re: Panning

Post by jsol » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:23 am

Your welcome.

From what I've read online. It's the sensitivity in decibals when using your pan knobs. For example. Real ssl consoles have a -4.5 db default pan law. Meaning it is 1.5 quieter than -3db. Let's say you are panned center. The actual db will be -3db, if this how your daw is set. that way you don't clip audio when panning. It gives you more head room. Opposed to having a 0db pan low setting when you center it will be 0 db. Let's say you use -3db pan law which is recommended by research on other forums. In order to boost the signal or compensate in volume gain reduction, one must raise the gain in the volume fader. Example, if I pan left with -3db pan law. The volume will be less that particular instrument thus, if the song asks for it (the instrument sounds a little low volume wise when panned hard left 9:00 position), I will then raise the volume fader accordingly so that particular instrument sounds more balanced in the mix. Again, the -3db is just a cushion to prevent distortion audio clipping if I' am not mistaken.

Hope this helps,


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Re: Panning

Post by dominicperry » Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:04 pm

Panning law is not really to do with headroom, it's related to how you hear the volume of a sound which is central when it is then panned to one side or the other. It's best if you do a search on the web for a clear explanation.

There's no panning template - The Beatles, who never had a problem with record sales, put individual intruments hard left and hard right. No one really does that now. Generally, bass and vocals are centre, drums are spread (usually too wide, which I personally find odd), and other instruments are slightly off centre.

Try a bunch of things and see what you like. The only real consideration is mono compatibilty. Again, best if you read about that on the web. The 2 sure-fire ways of getting mono compatibility are
(1) pan everything centre. It's a mono mix anyway, even in stereo.
(2) pan everything hard left or right.

A bit like EQ, having presets or templates just hooks you into the same stuff everyone else has done. You won't learn anything and you won't create your own sound.

From an interview with my name's sake, Lee 'Scratch' Perry.

Q: Can you explain the unique sound you get on all the records you produce?

Would you give away your secret? If you give away your secret, you may be a very stupid man. I will keep mine. Because I want to live.

Q: Why are most of your recordings in mono?

Well mono mean one heart, one thought, one love, one destiny, one aim, one alternative. So I defend only the one; anytime is a split personality I know then can be problem and danger and I don't support it. I support all-in-one, one communication, one Itation, one Iration, one faith, one human destiny. Anytime you come out with that, then I don't think you're parallel. You're confused, you're a mascot! And I don't defend mascot.

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Re: Panning

Post by martygras » Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:05 pm

Hey Dominic, I have more than one secret, so I don't mind giving some away.

I never thought I would die though. :D
Marty Schulte [I'm a drummer. So, there's that.]
iPad AIR(128), Akai EIE, Akai EWI USB, illudium q-36 explosive space modulator
Head First Audio (live sound for Southern Oregon, USA)

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