Apogee duet 2 / RME Babyface Pro

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Apogee duet 2 / RME Babyface Pro

Post by Morgan » Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:13 am

Hi everyone I am considering purchasing either one of the above interfaces but would appreciate any feedback from users as to problems experienced (if any) with the latest IOS 9.3. My setup is IPad Pro and Auria Pro.

Many thanks in advance to any users kind enough to respond.

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Re: Apogee duet 2 / RME Babyface Pro

Post by jukeboxjoe » Mon May 02, 2016 9:21 pm

I tried both of these devices using Auria and Auria Pro on the iPad mini. Both interfaces work like a charm.

Soundwise, the RME and the Apogee both sound awesome, but nothing alike. You've read it before, and you'll read it again because it's true: the RME is nice and neutral whereas the Apogee is nice and colored. I went back and forth for days between the sounds because they are both so different and so nice. I opted for the Apogee Duet in the end because it charges the iPad while recording - a HUGE plus for me - and I've now gotten used to the "attitude" the coloration brings. I also love the simplicity of the Maestro software compared to the ugly (IMO) and unintuitive TotalMix.

I did take the time to learn TotalMix, however, and will admit it's worth the learning curve because it's unbelievably flexible! You can add EQ, M/S Processing, and compression and reroute signals to your heart's content, which you simply cannot do with the Apogee. The Apogee, is as simple and straightforward of a preamp as you could get. And I like that too. The hardware is more pleasing to the eye and to the touch. Very Apple-like.

So even though I went for the Apogee, the Babyface is better for anyone who prefers clean over colored from a preamp's sound, or wants flexible routing options and/or built in effects processing. But if you like a little color, or prefer simplicity, or really like the idea of never having battery issues while recording, these are the reasons I went Apogee.

2 solid winners here, so rest assured whichever route you choose.

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Re: Apogee duet 2 / RME Babyface Pro

Post by Morgan » Wed May 04, 2016 4:59 pm

Thanks very much for taking the time out to respond to my request for information on the above. It's a relief to know they both work well and that the Babyface Pro Totalmix application is also good. I have made a decision to go for the Babyface Pro primarily because I need a minimum of four inputs and also like the idea of clean sounding preamps. Thanks again you have been very helpful. Take care.


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Re: Apogee duet 2 / RME Babyface Pro

Post by jukeboxjoe » Wed May 04, 2016 7:44 pm

My pleasure, but before you buy, understand you're not getting 4 inputs at a time, only two (with either device) unless you expand the Babyface with an ADAT or SPDIF connection to a compatible device. I did not experiment with this so I can't comment. If you need 4 inputs out of the box you'd need to go for a UFX or UCX and now we're talking much bigger bucks.

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Re: Apogee duet 2 / RME Babyface Pro

Post by Morgan » Thu May 05, 2016 1:15 am

Hi there, just to clarify I am purchasing the Babyface Pro which does support four inputs I.e two mikes and two line in/ Instrument. The original Babyface only had two inputs. Thanks again for your valued input which did help me make a decision. Many thanks. Trevor

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Re: Apogee duet 2 / RME Babyface Pro

Post by jukeboxjoe » Thu May 05, 2016 7:41 am

Ah! Pardon my oversight. My comparison was between the Duet 2 and the original Babyface, not the Pro, though as I understand it, the Pro uses the same preamps, so my comparison still holds regarding the sound for mics (though not for line ins, which as I understand it do not use the preamps).

Let us know how you're liking the RME once you use it. I know you'll be impressed with its neutral sound! In the meantime, I'm loving the attitude of the Duet's tone and highly recommend it as well. Those who use one know what I'm talking about.

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