IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusable

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IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusable

Post by steviee8 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:52 pm

Just did a test for the heck of it. 8 mics with monitoring ON. All is fine on 44.1 and 48k
But if I create a project with 96k and if I only plug one mic in and hit the record button it sounds like crackles with echoing. Very bad.
On a lighter note... Previously I bitched out the Presonus forum for having crappy drivers for my PC. I can't even get the 1818 to work period. (XP)
I told them "at least it works with my iPad". Now I think I'll have to edit that comment and add "just not at 96k"

Anyone else experience this? I'm not concerned too much since I don't plan on using 96k but I notice my CPU and memory meter look fine. I mean even if I record 8 channels I look at the CPU and its around 15%.

Not sure if this happened with 1.06 because I never tested it until now.

Maybe like RIm mentioned that apple is using a new something- something in their iOS. And it's a bug on them.

I'm just curious if its only in 1.06.


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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by Rim » Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:27 am

Some things to check:

- Turn off 64 bit mixer mode in the settings
- Make sure you have enough free hard drive space on your iPad.
- Try rebooting your iPad. Sometimes (rarely) the coreAudio system gets hung up needs resetting.
- Try turning on (or off) the USB Soft Start setting in Auria's settings page

We've had no issues recording at 96K on our 1818 for hours at 96K, but recording at that sample rate does tax the system, so please try the above steps.


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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by steviee8 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:18 am

Tried all of the above, still the same
I have 12GB left of space, rebooted numerous times, cleared my cache from Safari not knowing if that would help,
I even heard of rebooting by holding the power button and home button until the iPad shuts off and reboots.

I'm wondering could maybe my USB hub be crap. Or my 1818

Well. My next test is with my Focusrite 18i6 and see what happens at 96k. It won't be until Monday since its at the office, so I'lll keep you posted.

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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by drock » Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:40 am

Hey, someone else recording at 96, I'm not alone! Lol
I've had a ton of ups and downs with Aura and 96K so far...but somehow they've seemed to work out...I should've been taking notes this whole time to have a good answer for you but I don't. I'm using a bunch of Audix mics for 8 tracks of simultaneous drums at 96 with an 1818 but using a 64GB iPad 4 (1.06) dedicated to nothing but Auria. Sometimes things will just randomly not work, so yeah, try restarting by holding down both the sleep/wake button and home (wait for it to restart and let go once you see the apple logo). I tried swapping USB hubs before (I'm using a D-link 4 port now) but that didn't change anything. Make sure your input matrix is set right and in 1.06 I have to use the headphones out on the 1818 and set the output matrix to channels 7&8. Don't plug anything into the iPad headphone jack anymore. I also turn off 'live monitor' or whatever since I'm playing drums so loudly, I don't need it.
Audiobus is unusable at 96 and I might have e found another horrible bug with mixdowns going bonkers when 'selection' is set...but I have to do more testing to verify.
Anyways, I hope it works for you. Let us know!

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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by Rim » Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:16 am

It's very possible that your particular hub is the culprit, as this has been reported before. Especially when recording at 96k, as this is very taxing for an iPad. I assume it's a powered hub, plugged in to it's own power supply? Also, are you using a genuine Apple camera connection kit?

Please do report any bugs you find when using Auria, as I take these very seriously.


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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by steviee8 » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:53 am

Thanks for the info. I've tried all the above execpt for a different hub. I'll try that next. I have an old D-link hub at work but I'm not even sure if it's 2.0 or 1.0. I'll let you know.

I'm at work now and tried 96k with my Focusrite 18i6 at 256k record latency (sample)
All is great with that machine. I didn't go thru any hub since the Focusrite is happy with out it after I updated the firmware on it.

I only had 2 mics plugged in, but in the input matrix I decided to duplicated it for the rest 8 tracks and it recorded fine. 8 tracks simultaneously. No artifacts at all. Record monitoring was on BTW and Disable Effects While Recording was set to "No"

I decide to try and add effect to the Aux 1 and Aux 2 send and with a reverb and delay it started to choke. All I need to do was change the latency to 512 and it was fine again.

I wish I had brought my 1818 to work so I could spend time testing but forgot.
I'll bring the Dlink hub home tonight and test again.

And yes the Hub I was using was a powered hub with it plugged in. But I could keep it unplugged and Apple would think it was fine either way. No differents in results either way. Just a little info for people to try in case they hate lugging around or trying to find an open port on thier power strip for another wallwart. It works.
Genuine Apple camera kit was used as well.

I could have thought I used to test at 96k for the heck of it when I first got Auria and never had an issue but my brain's memory is not great so I can't say for sure that it has worked in the past (the recording succesfully @96k thing, not my brain)


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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by steviee8 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:00 am

Update: last night I tried both USB 2.0 hubs and both made the 1818 choke and any latency. Even at 4096!!! ( with nothing running in the background, wifi is off and in airplane mode.)

But the Focusrite 18i6 works flawlessly on either hub. Settings with effect monitoring and record monitoring at 512. I even had my wifi on with other things running in the background! Not none glitch. Either I have 2 subpar hubs or one crappy 1818. I'm leaning toward the latter.

But it can't be the 1818 even though I think it's a nice piece of gear, it's just that the drivers/software suck since my PC can't even use it. It locks up my computer when I plug it in ever time
But everyone else seems to be fine with it with Auria, so I'm at a loss. 96k isn't a big deal to me. What is a big deal is that why am I having issues. It's not like I have the wrong USB drivers or Bios. It's an iPad like everyone else on the world,

My next thought would be to "restore" my iPad but I'm not sure what exactly that does. I hope it would make a back up of it and then reinstall everything but in a clean way?


Auria Rocks!

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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by Rim » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:55 am

Another possibility is your iOS version. It's possible that others with 1818s have a different OS version? Also, is your iPad jailbroken?


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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by steviee8 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:37 pm

It was the same issue either with iOS6.01 or the newest 6.1. And it is not jailbroken
Since it wasn't happy with 6.0.1 I figured to upgrade to 6.1 and see. But no luck. :cry:

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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by Rim » Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:23 am

Other users have also reported hit or miss problems with the 1818 at 96K. It's possible that it's an issue with certain batches of 1818s or possibly using certain hubs.


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Re: IPad2 6.0.1 Auria v1.06. 1818VSL. 96k recording is unusa

Post by steviee8 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:54 am

Well maybe I'll buy another Hub and see what happens, if its the same I'll just return it.

Anyone want to tell me a good hub to buy. Or stay away from? I'd buy the same one that works for the you.

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