So long, Alchemy. We barely knew ya.

For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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Re: So long, Alchemy. We barely knew ya.

Post by Br8zinn » Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:19 am

Ahh....SOUNDClOUD finally answered me questions me is ...

Sorry for missing that! Yes, you totally don't have to update and the current app will stay as it is. However, be aware that we can't offer any support for the old app once the new version goes live. We rebuilt the app from scratch for this new version because the bugs in the old one became unmanageable and we needed to get it in line with the newest security and UX updates, so unfortunately we don't have the resources to provide help for both versions of the app.

Just be sure to turn off automatic updates from the app store in case you have those activated. You can always choose to update to the new app later if you decide the old app isn't cutting it for you anymore, but you won't be able to go back to the old app once you've updated to the new app.

Hope that answers your questions, but let me know if you have any more!

SO....I conclude....with.....DONT UPDATE......READ..carefully and save your songs....especially if they are private...
I love all this new way of recording.....and yet I still miss the reel to reel recorded,you had it ,no back ups cause that was your hard I didn't flood y'all with all my writing...I'm wordy,lol..just wanted to give ya lads a heads up on all this.......
And on another note kinda....there is app called MSI...which let's you here your YouTube/soundcloud tracks even if your off pretty cool too!!!

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Re: So long, Alchemy. We barely knew ya.

Post by rickwaugh » Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:52 am

It's painful, guys, but that's software. Happens to software on Windows and Macs also. Once you stop updating something, or actively supporting it, sooner or later it dies. Fortunately I didn't spend a bunch of money on it, I'd be upset too. But something has happened. They are losing money, I assume, because if they were a thriving business, if the owners were tired of it, they would have sold.

Everyone bitched at Microsoft over the years too, for the all the upgrades to Windows. But software doesn't stand still. That's not the business model.

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Re: So long, Alchemy. We barely knew ya.

Post by mrufino1 » Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:02 am

I don't think the issue is that software moves on, as that is a given. The immediate issue is that there is no way to get what you purchased currently if it wasn't already downloaded, which is not the way the App Store was reported to work. Alchemy was not a go to synth for me, so it's not incredibly painful. I had the pro upgrade and a few sound packs, bought since they were a good dev and it was an interesting app, but it also took up a lot of space so it was removed when not actively needed with plans to reinstall if it ever was needed. Since that can't happen now it is what it is, but it is a reminder to back things up and not rely on apple or any other company's servers to re-deliver software.

Life will go on, and it was a learning experience. It also makes me think a little harder before sinking a ton of money into an app, especially if it is an app that I won't be using as a go to. If auria disappeared tomorrow I will have gotten way more than my money's worth because I mixed a full album on it that was released, as well as many live recordings and other things that have served their specific purpose other than general release. Same with iSEM, Jamup, and a few others. I would be sad and would have to find another way to do things, but I would do that and life would continue. Hopefully that doesn't happen though!!

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Re: So long, Alchemy. We barely knew ya.

Post by Br8zinn » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:24 am

The problem,in my opinion is that there is a tablet war going on,besides the people jail breaking shit,it must not be easy in that sense besides the fact that I don't think apple is making it any easier for developers and such in all this,Rim coined it stating that we as musicians are at the bottom of the barrel so to speak when it comes to iOS...and with Steve jobs gone,it really changed things.the apple is really trying to compete with all this smart phones and tablets in all this,and since there not paying too much attention to artist and musicians as well,it's all one big game...yet nano studio,AURIA and such continue to thrive...but it can't be easy...thus I still love my electricity,no software...barebones music.....ahhhhhh.....and I still have my modules....remember them.....cheers..

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Re: So long, Alchemy. We barely knew ya.

Post by martygras » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:53 am

Apple provides more development tools for dev's than any other from what I've experienced from the devs on forums like this.

The mobile OS itself has had huge growing pains, as each version seems to "have to" break something previously supported in the name of advancing. I believe this is mostly necessary, as in the "lightning port" change. Apple realized it had to be done sooner or later and they decided to pull the bandage off quickly rather than slowly. Was it less painful this way? Maybe. We won't ever know for sure. It could have been much worse, and they would have lost more than a few customers.
Marty Schulte [I'm a drummer. So, there's that.]
iPad AIR(128), Akai EIE, Akai EWI USB, illudium q-36 explosive space modulator
Head First Audio (live sound for Southern Oregon, USA)

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Re: So long, Alchemy. We barely knew ya.

Post by Br8zinn » Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:12 pm

I disagree....yes apple has done a lot and I'm not knocking apple and the ipad as I rock with 4 of them,but after Steve jobs let's face it,apple hasn't been the same,there a bit confused or something,there's no such thing as "not possible" never in there book was it like this...while they continue to do well in the market,well they've lacked luster on the ipad so to speak and had no need to change shit like there doing,lol,I've always owned Mac stuff and there software updates were never like this(this was only windows doing,lol) thus was one of the reasons apple was always better,always things are a bit choppy with some products,like if there running and or confused at what exactly and which direction to go with the ioad.thus the rumors that a hybrid Mac/ ipad is in the works as the tablet market is getting crazier .
They better wake up,cause I've done a lot with the ioad musically as well as artistically and people like AURIA and nano studio,audio bus,ect better let them know cause they will lose out in the end to newer products like the "machine",ect,
And the newer tablets that can run pro tools and or such coming up.the touch thing is here to stay on tablets ,apple better get with it,cause even though I love em there new updates have been shit,like they are going backwards,like a newer ipad that runs AURIA worse then my ipad 2,what is that,with that scrolling bug,rim says it's them ,and they still haven't fixed the problem,such is why people keep asking Rim if the new AURIA pro will run smoothly on 7.03 and such cause iOS 8 sucks we can all admit this and complain and help wake then up or just sleep on it(meat loaf song,lol)but for many iOS 8 is a nightmare..and my sooo smart neph who is going to school for programming and already has job offers agrees....they playing or are so confused.....lmaoooooo....and not.... Cause I'm getting tired of buying a new ipad just to stay up so to speak only to find the old one works better,lol...what is that????,,, not good in my opinion...and who knows what apple is doing purposely as they are kind of hard headed with there garageband ,ect,being first so to speak and all,as they fight google as well now,hey my ipad 1 ,thanks to not updating runs the best google maps and still rocks all that new shit apple is doing with maps,sheesh Steve jobs is soooo missed here...yes I know the times change and you have to make money and such..but at 51 having bought apple products all my life,the direction and stuff definitely changed after Steve.....oh boy..oh Lordy all I whisper under my breath....what the hell is happening with apple in cold sweats as I wake up in the middle of the night screaming (joking) I want my old apple back,PLEASE..PLEASE...there's no place like home,there's no place like home....(wizard of oz).....I have a feeling were not in Kansas anymore.....where's

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