Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

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Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:07 pm

I've just upgraded auria pro. Lyra is working fine with all the instruments available to select but for the 2 filters there aren't any instruments to select. Only the name of each filter in yellow which won't open. Maybe I'm just missing something basic.
I upgraded when I was on auria, through the store auria seemed to crash after that. After 10 mins or so I closed it down and reopened and Pro has installed. So maybe something didn't install properly ?
Cheers, Lewis .

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by Rim » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:17 pm

It looks like something went wrong during the upgrade. The best way to make sure everything gets installed is to delete Auria from your iPad (back up your projects first!) Then reinstall Auria from the App Store. Make sure to reinstall Auria, not Auria Pro, otherwise Apple will charge you for it. Once it's installed, go to the Auria Store and press the Restore Purchases button at the top.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:32 pm

Hi thanks for advice, can you please tell me how to properly back up my projects and audio. Nervous about losing them .

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by Rim » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:50 pm

Sure, the easiest way is to download a program for your PC/Mac called iFunBox. This lets you access all your iPad's folders (for apps which support this like Auria). Then you just copy all the project folders onto your computer.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by » Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:12 pm

Is there no way to do it without a computer? I'm travelling for a year and don't have one.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by -ki » Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:40 am

Perhaps there is an alternative to backup projects and reinstall:

For some of the users with the same problem, it worked to purchase each synth one of the preset packages (FF Twin 3.99 €, FF One 2.99 €). These preset packages are quite good, so i think you won't regret the money spend. You could try it with the cheaper one first.

In my case, one time the new presets did not show up in the popup list after purchase and download. I needed to close AP, remove it with the task switcher and then restart AP so that it fully reloads - and the new presets were there.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by Rim » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:18 am

Yes, that is another valid alternative.


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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:09 am

Other way to back up your projects is to export them to Dropbox. This is not super fast, depending on your network connection, but you don't need a PC for it.
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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by » Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:40 am

Cheers Ki that's a good suggestion however I'm worried other things may not have installed properly due to it crashing a few times. So while I don't have too many projects I will try to reinstall.
Dropbox is possible yes, don't have good internet currently . I almost found a solution by saving project to other app (audioshare) . But I can't find a way of importing the project back to auria, is this possible? Or does auria only have file sharing compatability with Dropbox? Being new to iPad I'm finding it frustrating that there isn't a file manager. Is there an app for this ?

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by Rim » Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:38 am

Most likely you're only missing the two Fabfilter synths and the new demo song. There was an issue in earlier versions of Auria that didn't copy these three things properly. I doubt there are any other issues related to the upgrade. If you don't need the new demo song, you can easily get the Fabfilter synths back by using the method Ki mentioned. Otherwise, reinstalling is the only other method that'll do it.

Auria Pro has a way to copy projects to external hard drives. There's a menu item in the Save menu called Save Project to Other App. This allows you to save your project to your hard drive's app. You can also use this function to copy a project to AudioShare. Going the other way around is easy - just choose the project you saved into the app and use the "Open In" function to open that file in Auria.

As you probably discovered, Apple doesn't allow any sort of global file manager.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by » Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:00 am

Sorry for delay, no internet.
Ok I just downloaded the synths and that worked. I have had a crash almost everytime I've used auria since getting pro. whereas Auria was almost completely solid before.

If there is a way to export projects from audioshare to auria then I could not find it. The files don't seem to have an open in function . Only audio files .

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by Rim » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:27 pm

Please tell me more about the crashing you're having, that's certainly not normal! Does the crashing happen with a particular project you're using? Can you replicate the crashing with a new project, for example? If you can, please tell me what you're doing so I can try it here.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by » Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:26 am

Hi, last time it was opening a midi track. Doesn't seem to be a recuring thing though. Haven't noticed any patterns yet, will take note of causes when it happens but last few short recordings have been fine.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by Rim » Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:23 pm

There were some issues with MIDI file import I fixed in 2.03, which should be available soon.

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Re: Can't open Fabfilter one or Twin 2

Post by » Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:23 am

Hi I've taken note in some crashes and problems I've been having. Maybe some of these issues have been flagged up but I don't have time to look around. I just checked out the App Store to check for updates and according to it I have only purchased standard auria. Pro shows £39.99. If there are upgrades for pro maybe I can't get them? Through auria store there isn't any. Sorry there is a lot of info. Haven't had internet to check out issues as they have occurred .

Auria has crashed when: Opened stereo track. Pressed stop while recording midi. During playback (often). My CPU is usually bellow 20. No other apps open, no wifi etc.
Glitches with zoom and scroll zoom into midi track to allow midi options to come into view. When I let go it jumps back to top. Happened one time. Can be abnormally unresponsive when trying to scroll up or down.
As of today everytime I come out of auria and go back into it/ change screen brightness a message come up to ask cause for crashing, despite it not crashing! Settings can often change when screen times out. Usually track routing which has caught me out a few times.
While listening to a loop the metronome often stops playing despite still showing a tick. I un tick and re tick and maybe get a minute before its off again.

Just had 2 crashes while I was playing a solo track looping. Auria shut down. When it reopened it 'said there are errors with project which auria has fixed'. It says this nearly every time I go back onto auria.m(haven't tried other projects). In this project a muted section Is playing & on certain tracks processes don't work. Move audio section to another track and they work.

Another question /issue I have is with transient markers and warping. Basic drum track only bass drum. It would only detect one of 2 transients. I tried manual mode and couldn't get it to detect. So I individually added them, first time I tried it only let me add 8 or maybe 10. The second section I did allowed me to add more. Mostly this was straightforward but one section wouldn't let me add to the start point of the section. One my markers were set I just couldn't get audio quantize to do what I wanted. My drum beat was one beat at the start of each bar (no bleed) in 3/4 and I wanted it to correct timing. Setting whole not or anything else would not do this. By manually moving warp markers I achieved what I wanted, however this meant I had to leave track on warp mode or they would return out of time. I wasn't able to do anything to the section leaving it on warp mode (processes anyway, maybe I could move it ok but would often need to check it stayed in time). So I solo'd track, exported between markers to get the audio file onto new track to allow to to edit it. The new audio file was the exact length of loop markers as it should be but every drum hit was quarter or 8th a beat late! (this wasn't how it originally was before my warping). I just tried bouncing the track in place instead. It worked as I now have the 8 drum hits in time but each hit now has a small pop. Workable with but would have hoped to achieve better with the time spent and manual reading. Maybe this project is corrupt.

I just pressed play and was greeted with deafening pink noise like hiss. Until I could hit stop/throw my head phones off. My ears seem to be ok but my pants are full! Same project. Feeling pretty frustrated with all this, I love auria and it's great when it works and I'm sure I shouldn't be having all these issues.

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