MIDI Quantizing

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MIDI Quantizing

Post by rossFen » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:07 am

I have some questions about MIDI Quantizing. Unless I’m doing something wrong, SWING pushes the off-beats forward in time instead of back. What is the WINDOW knob? I can’t figure out what Groove Quantizing is doing at all, so not sure what to ask about that. What I’m used to is that quantize will move the notes in the piano roll, which would help in seeing what’s going on.

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Re: MIDI Quantizing

Post by Rim » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:35 pm

There are two ways to use MIDI processing in Auria - real-time and non real-time. It looks like you're using the real-time method. In this case, you won't actually see the results in the piano roll (but you'll hear them). Think of it this way: real-time processing is more like an effect, like an EQ. The other way to process MIDI in Auria is to use the Process menu. In this method, you will see the notes move, and it's probably what you're used to with other DAWs. The advantage of real-time processing is you don't have to keep processing/undoing/reprocessing every time you want to change something.

Swing works by delaying notes, not advancing them. Are you sure you have the latest Auria version (currently 2.02)? You can check your version number in Auria's settings page. Older Auria versions had issues with swing, but that was fixed in 2.02.

You can read about all the other quantize knob functions in our manual:

https://s3.amazonaws.com/auria.store/do ... +Guide.pdf


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Re: MIDI Quantizing

Post by rossFen » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:32 pm

Yes, I have 2.02. If I record or manually input a series of 8th or 16th notes, the off-beat notes (the second, fourth, sixth, etc...) are brought closer to the note ahead of them, to the point of almost sounding like a flam at full swing.

I'm learning by going through the manual and hadn't come to the Process menu yet. I'm glad to see that capability for quantizing, because I'll likely use it more often. It helps to see what it does, and maybe I can figure out how the Groove Quantizing feature works. Logic does quantizing non-destructively---you can always go back to the original---and you can see the results in the piano roll. I don't expect Auria to do everything the way Logic does it, and destructive quantizing will still get the job done adequately.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: MIDI Quantizing

Post by Rim » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:42 pm

All the MIDI process functions are non-destructive. For instance, if you press undo, you can get back to the original.

I just tested swing here, and it works as it should (all the even numbered beats get delayed when I use the swing control). Not sure why that's not working for you. The only reason I can think of for notes moving forward is that the quantize process itself is moving the notes forward (quantize moves notes forward or backwards, depending on where they are in relation to the grid). But swing can only move notes backwards.


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Re: MIDI Quantizing

Post by rossFen » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:36 am

Hi Rim,

I tried from the Process menu and got the same result. Here’s what I did.

1. Start New Project, Add a MIDI track. In Editor window, set snap to 1/2 Beat. Choose 16th-note from Note Duration Selector. Enter 8 notes in bar 1 on,,,, etc…

2. Select Process > Quantize. Grid = 1/8 Note, Length Grid: Off, Swing: 60%, Random: 0, Strength: 100%, Window: 100%, Preserve Note Lengths: On

3. New Positions of Notes:,,,, etc.

The up-beat notes are moved closer to the down-beats.

I deleted the 8th notes, entered 16th notes, and when quantizing, set the Grid to 1/16 Note. The even notes got moved forward, i.e. the second was positioned to

Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: MIDI Quantizing

Post by Rim » Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:31 pm

You're right, I was testing with the latest build, and realize now that 2.02 has an issue where swing gets reversed. This is solved in the next version.


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