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Post by Emmitt » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:08 pm

Hi ALL... I'm having a bunch of INTERFACE issues, but let's start with the 1st one and maybe I won't have to explain the others.

I have a 1st Generation (OCT 2015) iPadPro 12.9" w 256 gig of memory. I'm running Auria Pro 2.13 and my iOS version is 10.3.3. I'm using a TASCAM US 20X20 Interface (similar feature set to FOCUSRITE 18i20).

I plugged the interface into the APPLE USB3.0 CCK w iPad power connector plugged in there as well.
I then plugged all of that into the iPAD.
Next I turned on the Interface.
Then I powered up the iPAD.
I also put on my headphones from the interface.
When it came time to enter my passcode, I noticed that I would touch a number and after a delay, I'd hear the click. This happened for each of the numbers/clicks.

I next booted Auria Pro (the only program running) and pulled up a song I'd been working on. I decided to just listen and see what happened. It sounded great, but as I listened a bit more, I noticed that the meters of some tracks were flashing and then a bit later I would hear the audio represented by those meters (NOT GOOD?).

I started focusing in on those tracks to make sure and YES, there was a delay in the audio versus the meters flashing.

Anyone know what's wrong yet? (If you do I'm happy to stop right now...)
-OK -

I figured there was latency so I researched the Record Latency Adjustment and did the Loop-Back test and entered my number (32895 samples @ 44.1). The number wouldn't stay in the RLA window. As expected with the number not sticking, no improvement.

Next I shut down AURIA Pro and pulled up GarageBand v 2.3. The same effect happened (Keep in mind, we're only talking about PLAYBACK delay, not Round Trip Record delay). Next I pulled up Caustic and the same thing happened. When I was in Garage Band, I put the tempo of the drum loop at 120 BPM. I noticed that the drums (kick and snare specifically) were off by about 1.5 beats relative to the waveforms. At 120 BPM that is about .75 seconds.

(Bueller, Bueller, anyone?)

BTW - my Loop Back delay is 32895 samples @ 44.1 setting (that's .7459 seconds).

SO - With the interface plugged in, I experienced "PLAYBACK ONLY DELAYS" of ≈ .75 seconds on the iPad Pro Passcode, Auria Pro, GarageBand, and Caustic. The idea of doing recording/overdubs is out of the question until this part gets solved.

Is there something OBVIOUS I'm missing? Considering all of the programs that don't work properly, I'm thinking it's something global on the iPad, but I have no idea what that might be or how to cure it.

One Last Thing - This interface works perfectly in Logic Pro 9.1.8 and GarageBand v11 on the MAC - Playback is spot on, I can overdub without thinking about it - even with efx on vocals and amp modeling on the guitar.

Thanks for your patience and help.

Emmitt Siniard

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Post by mtingle » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:52 pm

Whats the latency set at in Auria's settings menu?

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Anthony Alves
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Post by Anthony Alves » Tue Nov 07, 2017 7:41 pm

Things to check...
This units class compliance is for usb 2.0 only not usb 3.0.
There is a specific usb cable for usb 2.0 and 3.0 included with this interface. You must use the 2.0 usb cable.
If your project has a ton of tracks and FX on the set your buffer size as high as you can 4096. Turn 64 bit mixer off.
Use the iPad Pro optimization for proper VU metering to work on the iPad Pro 12.9”
Set the Tascam to Audio Interface not mixer.
You can do no latency recording and overdubbing by using the direct monitoring on the Tascam. Set record monitor off in AuriaPro when using direct monitoring this avoids the doubling effect.
Good luck.

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Post by Emmitt » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:07 pm

Thanks SO much, Anthony!

Could it really be this simple? And why don't any of my "reps" know this (I'm looking at you TASCAM)?

From a scientific stand point here is the difference (Loop-Back Test results):
w/ USB 3.0 cable attached - 32895 samples delay (.7459 seconds) (3/4 of a second)
w/ USB 2.0 cable attached - 131 samples delay. (.0029 seconds) or 29/10,000 of a second


I'd like to post the screenshot, but I don't know how...

Miraculous difference and I can't thank you enough!


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