Can’t restore any of my purchases on Auria Pro

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Can’t restore any of my purchases on Auria Pro

Post by Cyril777 » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:56 am

I own Auria Pro for a long time now but I wasn’t using it anymore so I deleted it. It was the Pro version, but upgraded from the classic version. I had the occasion to reinstalled Auria Pro multiple times over the past years, for different reasons (bug, new iPad, clean install...), and each time I followed the process, which was to first download the regular version of Auria and then restore the Pro version from the app itself, and finally restore all my IAP. But today, because of Auria Pro being half price, I decided to buy the Pro version directly (you may call me stupid, which now I think I might be, but I had some reason to, the major one is that I wanted to know if it would solve some recurrent bugs I had over the years.
But now that I bought Auria Pro, I can’t restore any of my purchases (Fabfilter, WaveMachine, audioware....). I already tried the disconnection and reconnection of the AppStore. I relaunched the App, reboot my iPad, nothing works. As soon as I tape the restore button a message arrive saying all my purchases have been restored....
I really don’t know what to do and how to proceed. I really need some help !
Thank you for your attention and your help,


Corey W
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Re: Can’t restore any of my purchases on Auria Pro

Post by Corey W » Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:22 pm

Hi Cyril,
There is a button in Auria Pro (the full version you just downloaded) to transfer purchases made in Auria.
In Auria Pro, navigate to Menu> Settings and in the lower right you will see "Transfer Purchases from Auria". Click on that and it should restore all of your purchases.
You have to have your original version of Auria installed on your iPad to make this transfer happen successfully. After purchases are restored in Auria Pro, you can safely delete your other, original Auria app.

Let me know if this works for you.


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