Bouncing multiple tracks

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Bouncing multiple tracks

Post by PaulC » Fri May 08, 2020 5:53 pm

Hi guys, as a novice using Auria Pro On my IPad for the first time, can someone guide me as to the process to consolidate three recorded audio tracks onto a separate single track. What is the process please to achieve this? Thanks.

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Bouncing multiple tracks

Post by Anthony Alves » Sat May 09, 2020 11:29 am

You can do this a couple of ways. First you can solo each track that you want to bounce down together, then go to Menu-Mixdown and you just select wether its a mono or stereo file and the selection range eat and you can even have it imported back into the project your working on by selecting Import as a new track. The other way is by taking advantage of the new Buss record feature. Simply assign the tracks you want to bounce together to a buss. Now add a track and make it stereo or mono depending what you want and make the new tracks input to be the same buss that you assigned to the tracks. So lets say Buss1. So set the tracks to output to buss 1 and the new buss track to input from Buss 1. Now arm the Buss track to recored and press record and all those tracks assigned to the buss track will be recorded. You will now have the tracks combined. Cheers.

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