Wish list

For general questions or discussion of Auria.

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Wish list

Post by JohnD » Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:48 pm

Downloaded this superb app a few days ago and had a chance today to try it, and it's superb - goodbye Pro-Tools!!!

Just a few wishes, that for me would mean I really could leave my aged Pro-Tools rig forever:

1) Name region function

2) Consolidate selected regions function - the idea of having to bounce edits to a new track to be able to have one continuous region of previous edits is really not fun. :roll:

3) Mid Sides plugin so that you can record M/S on a stereo track and not have to manually do all the copying and phase reversing. Using a stereo track with the left channel being the mid signal and the right channel being the side signal and simply having a width control. (I contacted Brainworx to ask then if they would be very kindtheir port/convert their mid sides processing plug-ins (like the BX Control_V2) onto Auria. Not sure as yet that they will bother but maybe WaveMachine Labs contacting them could sway them?) :lol:

4) selecting a region and then hitting mixdown would only mix down material from the start to the end of the selected region, meaning that you would not have two go through the process of selecting in and out points for locators.

Thank you for a brilliant app!!!!!!!!! :D

One other point to note - Garageband on the iPad seems to have the most weird and bizarre input options with a noise gate that seems to do nothing! I have seen many people ranting on various forums about the fact that the iPhone does have a usable input gain adjustment on Garageband while the iPad does not - another one of those bizarre differences amongst iOS devices that you would assume Apple would never let happen. Anyway, I am really pleased to find that Auria has a very useful gain/input trim - I wonder why GarageBand doesn't have this?!

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Re: Wish list

Post by Rim » Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:58 am

Thanks, great suggestions!


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