Multi tracking in Auria

For topics specifically about audio interfaces (USB, MFi, Camera Connection Kit)

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Multi tracking in Auria

Post by Manninofp » Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:46 pm

Hi everybody,

I am new here to the forums, and I tried looking up an old topic on this but I just could not find a thread based on this. I am trying to make a few video covers of songs, and I want to record two different instruments at the same time, but on two different tracks so I can edit each of them differently instead of affecting the entire mix. I want to record a keyboard and I would like to record my vocals. I wanted to know if there was a way to do this based on the equipment I have right now.

My equipment:

Audio Interface: Behringer UCA222 2-In/2-Out Usb/Audio Interface
Mixer: very old Ross mixer with 12 channels

I tried to look up if I was able to do it based on my audio interface, it said that I was able to record up to two tracks based on the amount of inputs/outputs that were available on the interface.

I guess I am having trouble hooking up the wires and where I should hook them up. I have the rca cable on the input side connected into my headphones slow on my mixer and the output is connected to the tape-out on my mixer rca cable. Theusb is connected to my ipad with thecamera connection kit. What can I do?

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Re: Multi tracking in Auria

Post by pitzipado » Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:07 pm

  Hello I have the older version uca 200 and it works very well
with the latest Auria on my Ipad2 16gb running ios5.1.1  I don't use
it because I upgraded but I set it up with a small (also old)
mackie mixer. L and R main quarter inch outs adapted to the RCA 
l /r ins of the uca then USB tether out to the camera connect kit. Then pan one channel full right another full left. I monitored with headphones through Auria and it worked great no latency problems so I didn't run anything from interface outs. The 200 doesnt even have headphone out/level control. I discovered if the uca was connected while headphones were plugged in the transport would freeze but unplugging and replugging phones fixed it. Since you have the
up to date deluxe model that's probably not a problem. May be different with iOS 6. Good luck I hope you
get it running! Its certainly a portable(except for some kind of preamp) and relatively inexpensive solution
to getting signals into Auria.

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Re: Multi tracking in Auria

Post by Manninofp » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:43 am

Hi thank you for your response,

So I should connect one of the inputs on the UCA to a line or insert of a channel? The line is where I am going to connect my instrument in the mixer. Then on the separate channels, I am going to have to pan both channels left/right. Then i go about how I normally record in Auria? Gonna try this now, Ill tell you my results.

Thanks again!

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