Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro?

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Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro?

Post by Neil » Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:57 pm


I have just bought Auria Pro and am absolutely knocked out with it! I am an oldie but a newbie with DAWs and decided that I wouldn't spend time on GarageBand when it was probably going to have limitations for me down the road. Seeing what Auria Pro can do I think I might be right.

I haven't got into using the Eq, Compression or the plugins for Reverb and Delay yet, apart from having a quick look. They don't seem to have the sort of interfaces I see on YouTube where you just need to drag points around in a graphical screen to get the effects needed.

Do people stick with the effects as delivered or generally go for more visually stimulating ones. Apps such as the AUFX series or Pro-Q2 look like they are much easier to use to achieve precise editing quickly. The cost ends up approaching that of Auria Pro after a couple of purchases - although still cheap for what they do.

Thanks for any comments you have time to share.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by geremy » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:40 pm

I'm new to Auria as well. I happen to also have sugarbytes tornado and am using that along with the regular psp channel strip. So tornado takes up 1 of 4 insert effects, but inside tornado there are slots for 8 effects. Also, it runs natively with Auria (no screen switching). Still getting it sound right but it's pretty cool. I'd like some of the other Auria effects (especially the pro c2, pro mb and pro limiter) but haven't splurged yet.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by theconnactic » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:17 am

Worth noting the PSP Channel Strip effects doesn't have the fancy interfaces and advanced features of their IAP counterparts, yet they are absolutely pro grade and not CPU intensive at all.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by levispeights » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:45 am

The PSP channel strip is good, but ALL the FabFilter plugins are worth every penny.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by Bob Amser » Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:10 am

Like you, I don't have a background in DAW recording and, for me, I found the channel strip a little intimidating to use. The plugins are amazing for my money. Really intuitive to use and it's easy to do an A:B comparison to see whether you've made things better or worse!

Pro-Q has given me amazing results and FabFilter do very detailed YouTube training videos which help you understand how to get the best out of your kit. I would say to get yourself a couple of plugins and see how you go. SO much easier than doing it on a separate app. I've not heard anyone wish they'd never bought them.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by Neil » Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:56 pm

Thanks for all the helpful comments. Now I am getting more into this, I see I have a ton of work to do before studying effects. I am still trying to understand gain staging, panning and fader settings using the Heartbeats sample project! (Is it just my copy of the project that has lots of clipping on the master?)

It looks to me like the delivered plugins - channel strips - are probably super if I knew what I was doing, but something like like Pro-Q2 would probably help me grock what eq can do to tracks and the overall mix much more easily because of the graphical views of what is going on. I will probably buy it when I get to the next stage in my mixing studies, mainly to speed up my education about equalization.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:43 am

Auria is a fantastic product, the built in stuff is really excellent. The Fabfilter plugins take it to another level. Q2, C2 and L are a must for me. I also have Saturn and Timeless. The PSP stuff is also excellent - MicroWarmer is great for adding a bit of warmth to tracks, and for straight reverb on acoustic instruments., I love PianoVerb.

But it's not bad to mess with what's there. You will get very, very good results.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by Tovokas » Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:10 am

The FabFilter plugins are very, very good, and I highly recommend them. But I think if you're just starting out, you can't go wrong learning the channel strip inside and out first. PSP is an OUTSTANDING company who produces world-class plugins. The strip really can get you most of the way to a successful mix, and if you master it you'll have a grasp of EQ, compression, expansion, and gating that will serve you well for the rest of your mixing life. :)

(And OK, the precision of Pro-Q is indispensable for what many of us do, but learning how to use EQ's like in the channel strip is a great thing to master, since in the hardware/desktop daw world, many of the coolest old school EQ's work in a very similar manner.)

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by Neil » Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:48 am

Thanks for that thoughtful reply. I have been doing just that for the two months since this post and agree. One hidden benefit is that I am having to use my ears rather than my vision to adjust mixes. This is proving to be great ear training! I will almost certainly buy Q2 at some point, but you - and the other responders - are right that it is best to start with the PSP tools.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by sch » Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:29 pm

As stated by others, the 'onboard' Auria effects and all very usable. Personally, I use a Pro-Q2 on virtually every channel, even though I grew up on hardware mixing desks and am quite comfortable using parametric EQs. I find the intuitiveness and scope of the PQ2 much easier when referring back and forth among multiple channels while mixing on a frequency-spectrum basis, to "bed" each track separately, avoiding ringing etc.

And, because my hardware background, I ended up purchasing all of the available plug-ins. Yes, overall, this is a multiple of Auria's own cost, but for much, much less than a single piece of audio hardware, I have an entire mixing suite that I can use in multiple instances! For me, a no-brainer.

Another plus of both the onboard and add-on efx are that they all have a number of presets that allow not only for quick workflow, but can also be invaluable for learning the plug-in's functions etc.


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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by Rusko » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:24 pm

Hi everyone--

+2 cents:

Standard Auria fx--yep--high quality, and they can get you where you need to go.

I, too, have bought all the extras. Each has its own flavor so while synonymous, nothing is identical. (Especially dynamics effects, like compressors.)

Three things about the FabFilter line for Auria--beyond the fact that they're ultra-flexible and sound great:

-- While they are a total, gorgeous eyeful (!), they're not simply "pretty". The level and amount of control, visually and aurally, is what's behind the pro sheen. (As a professional artist/designer/cg artist who's worked with game designers, programmers, and academic content designers for 25 years--I have to say it's incredibly rare to see the successful marriage of Form and Function that the Fabs' products have. The level of company-wide interdisciplinary communication evident in their products is astounding.)

--The Saturn distortion effect is, hands-down, the most useful and deepest I've ever used in 30 years of home recording.

--The FabFilter Auria line is almost, almost identical to their desktop plugs. And I don't care what anyone says about an excellent $20-$40 plugin to start with (what a deal!)...but they also cost about ten times less than their desktop counterparts. Double hells-yeahs.


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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by Neil » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:46 am

Hi Nick

Thanks for that. I'll take it as a positive recommendation for the fab filter plugins then:-)

I am still learning the ropes with the PSP stuff, but will definitely be getting plugins soon.



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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by tsutek » Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:37 am


first post here. I have finally bought Auria Pro, trying to ditch the computer altogether.
The fabfilter plugins are excellent in value although not super well suited for touchscreen use IMO.

Just wanted to ask you for any tips on reverb? So far I have not found a good high quality reverb solution for Auria. Are any of the third party reverbs "must-haves"? I'd demo by myself but this is not possible with the Auria store plugins.

Delays, modulation, saturation, eq/comp/MB I already got covered. Fabfilter all the way, and I really like the builtin PSP delay and modulation plugs.

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by Neil » Tue Oct 11, 2016 9:56 am

As a beginner, I am interested how you judge the quality of reverb. I have been using the two reverbs supplied with Auria without thinking of the quality. They seem fine to my uneducated ears. What is it you don't like about them?

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Re: Do people stay with the effects delivered with Auria Pro

Post by tsutek » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:35 am

Neil wrote:As a beginner, I am interested how you judge the quality of reverb. I have been using the two reverbs supplied with Auria without thinking of the quality. They seem fine to my uneducated ears. What is it you don't like about them?
I have been using plugin reverbs for over a decade, and also been using some hardware reverb effects.
To my ears the PSP reverbs are not among the best reverb plugins available. Maybe it's unfair to compare to these, but for example UAD EMT 140 & 250 reverbs, valhallaDSP reverbs and my hardware H9 reverb algorithms sound better to my ears.

It's slightly difficult to describe how I evaluate reverb quality, other than listening to how percussive material, vocals and guitars sound through them. Usually then only thing that I try to listen to in more detail is the way the reverb tails decay. To me, the stock PSP reverbs have decay tails that I do not find ideal for mixing. When talking about how they feel, I don't get the same sense of space and depth that I get from my other reverb tools.
Having said this, bear in mind that these things are subjective and YMMV as usual. I like and find everything else in the Auria toolbox very usable!

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