iPad 4 volume spikes and crashes

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iPad 4 volume spikes and crashes

Post by papertiger » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:07 am

I'm on an iPad 4, IOS 10.2.1. I had a very simple project going consisting of about 5 audio tracks and one instance of pro-q (version 1, not 2) on the master channel. I have experienced the issues described below. Long story short, after some weird graphic glitches while drawing volume automstion i can't even open my project. Period. No snapshot will load, the original project will not load. Nothing. It's gone.

First, right before the project became corrupted/lost I was drawing in some volume automation. I encountered some lag, and weird graphical glitches. After I finished drawing in some automstoinI I experienced a max volume volume spike. After taking off my headphones given the distorted and unpleasantly loud volume, I could see that the blue volume automation line was vertical, straight up into infinity. I was not able to delete any of the volume automation, or create a new automation point to get the volume back down to a reasonable level. I was stuck with the max volume automation curve with no way to change it.

I decided to restart auria to see if the issue would go away. That had worked on a previous occasion when I encountered the max volume automation issue. That's when I ran into the second issue: I can't recover or open the project. I've tried to load a snapshot, the original project, I've restarted my iPad - everything. Nothing works and Auria is continually prompting me to tell it what I was doing before the project crashed. I tell it, the project fails to load, I try's again and the same thing happens.

I understand that I'm running auria on a minimally powerful enough iPad, but the projects I experienced the volume automatoin bug in are very simple audio only projects, which should be auria's bread and butter.

Please let me know if you need additional explanation. With a 10 month old infant I barely have time to work on music, let alone deal with serious bugs. I hope you can help.

Thanks in advance,


Posts: 37
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:35 pm

Re: iPad 4 volume spikes and crashes

Post by papertiger » Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:37 pm

For the sake of posterity, I wanted to just state that WML got in touch with me and asked for additional information regarding the issues I experienced, etc.

Good support!


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