Midi input source selection not working

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Midi input source selection not working

Post by Metallion » Wed May 03, 2017 9:29 am



-iPad Air 2
-Auria Pro
-lightning to usb 3 camera adapter (with iPad charger connected)
-Lindy usb3 hub (connected to the lightning to usb 3 adapter)
-iConnectivity Mio4 (Various midi inputs hub) [connected to Lindy usb3 hub]
-keyboard midi controller (1) and keyboard midi controller (2) [connected to Mio4]


-Open Auria Pro
-Create a project with, let's say, 4 midi tracks (for now, it doesn't matter the sound of each one).
-by default, each track has "Stereo Grand" sound and in "Midi Control" -> "Channel-All" -> "Input-All".
-If i select in the "Input" the input of the keyboard midi controller (1), the keyboard (2) is working anyway in this channel.
-i can only separate each Keyboard midi controllers if i change the channel of each one.


-It's expected to have 16 channels available for each different midi source right?

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by krzycrs » Thu May 04, 2017 6:26 am

Hola, it's one selectable channel per track (or all).
Did you change the channel on your controller devices or in the midi control area ('Channel')?
What do you like to accomplish with your setup, Metallion, having two devices controlling one track, and other app maybe sending to a second track, on another channel, etc.

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Metallion » Thu May 04, 2017 6:49 am

Maybe i didn't explain well... i am talking about what i think it is a bug.
This must be possible, but it isn't working..

For example, i have and want 3 (1A, 2B, 3C) different keyboard midi controllers each one to control only a few midi tracks. Everything's fine with this configuration:

keyboard source 1A (on chan 01)
-- midi track 01 chan 01, source 1A
-- midi track 02 chan 01, source 1A
-- midi track 03 chan 01, source 1A
keyboard source 1A (on chan 02)
-- midi track 04 chan 02, source 1A
-- midi track 05 chan 02, source 1A
-- midi track 06 chan 02, source 1A

The problem is now, these following channels shouldn't be triggered by keyboard 1A but they are being triggered, even though i forced keyboard 2B and 3C on the input of these channels.

keyboard source 2B (on chan 01)
-- midi track 07 chan 01, source 2B
-- midi track 08 chan 01, source 2B
-- midi track 09 chan 01, source 2B
keyboard source 2B (on chan 02)
-- midi track 10 chan 02, source 2B
-- midi track 11 chan 02, source 2B
-- midi track 12 chan 02, source 2B

keyboard source 3C (on chan 01)
-- midi track 13 chan 01, source 3C
-- midi track 14 chan 01, source 3C
-- midi track 15 chan 01, source 3C
keyboard source 3C (on chan 02)
-- midi track 16 chan 02, source 3C
-- midi track 17 chan 02, source 3C
-- midi track 18 chan 02, source 3C

Forcing the Midi input source isn't working..

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by krzycrs » Thu May 04, 2017 7:28 am

Well, you could set your controller 2B on channel 3, and 3C to channel 4. Track 7-9 on ch.3, Track 10-12 on ch.4, etc.
How do you restrict your controllers to ch.1 and ch.2, if I may ask?

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Metallion » Thu May 04, 2017 8:03 am

That was only an example. Don't forget that this post have in the subject "midi input source selection not working". It's not a work around i am searching. I am telling that there is an option which isn't working (at least for now).

and yes i can do what you are suggesting as a work around, but that's not a matter of a work around (which i know how to work around), it's a matter of what is supposed to work.

One midi source may have 16 channels.
If we have 10 midi sources, the users have 16 channels x 10 = 160.

The way you are saying for me to work isn't acceptable because if i give classes to 10 users (for example, 6 keyboardists, 3 guitars which change of sound via midi, 1 electronic drummer) i only have 16 channels available for them all and i may need more midi tracks for mixing sound sources.

The thing is that the Auria Pro have a function of selecting the midi input source, but it is not working...

Check the image... every input source is triggering all the others even though i have all midi tracks with a different input source.

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by krzycrs » Thu May 04, 2017 8:43 am

Yeah, sure, multi-ports. @Rim, are these supposed or else planned? Thanks, greetings

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Anthony Alves » Thu May 04, 2017 7:20 pm

To isolate midi channels you must set the midi channel for that track to recieve only from one midi channel and your midi controller must also be in the same midi channel. Or split one keyboard into many midi zones. Your problem is you dont have each midi controller sending and recieving on the seperate midi channels. So an example. You have 3 midi keyboards and you want each keyboard to play a midi sound on three different midi tracks. Set the midi keyboards to transmit on midi channels 1,2,3 respectively. Set each midi track to input from a different midi keyboard and set the midi channels t 1,2,3 respectively for each midi track. In this setup all midi controller keyboards are transmitting on their own midi channel. If when your playing back the recorded midi tracks and you are triggering another sound that you dont want set the midi to OFF on each track but this shouldnt happen unless your using a midi box like iConnect Midi in which case the usb midi is also sending as a through so you need to isolate both the midi transmit and recieve channel on each midi track.
Good luck.

And no you dont have 160 midi channels there are only 16. You can transmit on all 16 and every other controller can too but there is still only 16 seperate midi channels. I can have one controller sending out only one midi channel and I can send that to dozens of midi tracks all receiving on one midi channel.

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Anthony Alves » Thu May 04, 2017 7:33 pm

krzycrs wrote:Yeah, sure, multi-ports. @Rim, are these supposed or else planned? Thanks, greetings
Auria already inputs and outputs each track on multiple midi channels it called ALL. There is no other midi port assignments availble in midi that Auria Pro doesnt already have.

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Metallion » Fri May 05, 2017 3:03 am

Please guys... you are all misunderstanding the subject and im afraid you are spamming the thread.

i am reporting a bug, not a question about how its done something, i know there are 16 channels, but you guys are not understanding that there are 16 channels available to EACH midi source.. if i have 10 keyboards, we have 10 sources, each source can have 16 channels. And each midi track can be configured to respond to two things: midi channel and midi source. So, yes we can have 16 channels x <number of midi sources>. Period.

Please @Rim, the MIDI INPUT SOURCE, independently of the only source i force to use that track, all sources are triggering that midi channel.

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Anthony Alves » Fri May 05, 2017 6:03 am

I am an AuriaPro bug tester not a thread hijacker. In order to investigate a bug report, that bug must be repeatable. I tested your setup question and AuriaPro behaved as it should. So I cannot duplicate your bug. There must be something your doing that is causing this midi communication problem. There are only 16 midi channels regardless of how many controllers you have. Midi is not seperated by how many controllers you have which your calling sources just midi channels. Two sources that share the same midi channel will trigger the same sound, the sound assigned to that midi channel. Sounds like you don't need help so I'm finished testing this bug complaint. Good luck.

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by krzycrs » Fri May 05, 2017 6:21 am

I see, @Anthony Alves, multiple ports per track, thanks for clarifying!

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Metallion » Fri May 05, 2017 6:57 am

@Anthony Alves, i'm sorry the sensation i caused you but the answers people are giving are not close to the problem i am talking about, i know it's my fault too, it's possible i am not making a good report, maybe from not speak english very well.

Here i am posting now as an example, just an example of Kontakt, multiple ports/sources/midi devices with each one 16 channels (check the photos). In the case of Kontakt, it's possible to have 4 Ports/Sources/Inputs working in standalone version (in vst version, we can have infinite stances so, infinite ports).

And before saying or think "kontakt is not Auria"... yes, but Auria HAVE those options.
I am posting another image of Auria Pro Midi channel "Input" options, which is exactly the same in Auria as "Port" in Kontakt.

In Kontakt,
When we select "Port 1", channel 1, that instrument only plays midi notes from "Port 1", channel 1 (and not from "Port 2", channel 1)

In Auria Pro,
When we select "Input" xkey37, channel 1, that instrument should only play midi notes from "Input" xkey37, channel 1.

And the problem is: every midi devices/ports/sources are triggering that midi track.
That can only happen if i choose "ALL" in the "Input" option.

Maybe i could make the problem best understood now.
I can make a video if you guys want.
Captura de ecrã 2017-05-05, às 12.15.30.png
Captura de ecrã 2017-05-05, às 12.15.23.png
Captura de ecrã 2017-05-05, às 12.15.17.png
Captura de ecrã 2017-05-05, às 12.15.09.png

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Re: Midi input source selection not working

Post by Metallion » Mon May 15, 2017 1:00 pm

Just a note to say that i tested the same rig with:
Cubase 8

A midi channel only receives the midi messages from a selected midi input/port and not from all midi inputs like if the option "All" was selected.

And the selection of a midi input is working like expected in all apps, except in Auria Pro.

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